Have Credit Card, Will Travel! or “My Kindle is KILLING Me!”

OM217eboK! (that's "Oh my 217 ebooks on Kindle!" in the Common Tongue!)

OM217eboK! (that’s “Oh my 217 ebooks on Kindle!” in the Common Tongue!)

Let’s face it: I love books. I just have a passion for the written word, whether it’s between the covers of a paper-back, hard-back or the keyboard and lid of my laptop. I also have a credit card. And the internet. And an Amazon account. And a Kindle Reader. And that’s what I mean when I say “My Kindle Is KILLING Me!”


I now have 217 books waiting to be read.

That is all.

10 thoughts on “Have Credit Card, Will Travel! or “My Kindle is KILLING Me!”

  1. Hi Pearl, welcome to Book Addicts Anonymous. And by anonymous I mean: EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT!! Another reason to stay alive for 40 years. You need to finish’em all! XD

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