(…from one of my old blogs!!) “I’m Gonna Wash That Gray Right Outta My Hair!”

(…and here’s a little sample of what I USED to write on

one of my older blogs!! ๐Ÿ˜€ )

balance the circle...

Soโ€ฆI was braiding my hair into a one side plait the other night, as I always do before bed and, just as I turned off the bathroom light, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I stood there for a minute, puzzling what it was that seemed odd about my reflection (other than the usual dazed, bemused look I get every time I happen to see myself that, โ€œwowโ€ฆI look more and more like Mama every dayโ€, way). Well, I didnโ€™t want my husband walking by the bathroom to see me standing in the dark, not moving, as he already thinks Iโ€™m a bit weird; no need for him to now think, โ€œoh boyโ€ฆOld Timerโ€™sโ€ฆsheโ€™s forgotten where she isโ€, so I turned the light back on and leaned forward a bit, studying my face.

Other than finding one stray hair on my chin that seemed to think it wasโ€ฆ

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